After you have read this article, you to may wish to fall in love with a spiritual woman.
1 . She believes everything has a purpose. She believes in synchronicity as signs from the universe. She’s convinced that you came into her life for a reason, season or life time. That you’re going to give her something invaluable, whether that be scattered memories, a life lesson, or a permanent part of your heart.
2. She’s authentic. She’s open and straight down the line, as she doesn’t see the sense in pretending to be somebody that she’s not. She loves her own flaws. With her, everything you see is what you get.
3. She loves life and everybody. She has love for her family, friends, animals and plants. All living things and energy.
4. She’s forever learning and growing. She knows she isn’t perfect, but she will keeps trying to reach her personal best.
5. She embraces the unknown. Most people are scared of things that they cannot see, cannot grasp, but she’s different. She appreciates that there’s more to this world than meets the eye. That there are secrets waiting to be uncovered. It doesn’t scare her. It empowers her.
6. She has unwavering faith. She always makes the best of a bad situation, with hope that it will get better. She believes that the universe is on her side.
7. She is not materialistic. She’d much rather create a lifelong memory than be given a temporary gift.
8. She has compassion for every living thing. She can’t walk past a homeless shelter or stray animal without being tugged at the heartstrings.
9. She is one with nature. She rather be surrounded by nature than be in a city.
10. She aspires to be at peace. Drama doesn’t interest her. She sees good in everything, believing there is good inside every person. She rather be alone than have false friends. You can always count on her. She’s about honesty, sincerity.