It is a fun psychological test that reveals interesting facts about people – about how others see them, how they see themselves, but additionally what they are really like deep down. Do the test the following way: Take a pen and paper and list three animals, in this order:
1. What is your favorite animal.
2. What you would like the most to have as a pet.
3. Second favorite animal, whether wild or domestic.
Now for every animal write its characteristics. Examples of some animals and their characteristics:
Cat – independent, free-thinking, ‘night bird’, leader, demanding.
Bear – profound, protective, dreamer, guard, quiet.
Monkey – confident, cheerful, fun, practical, versatile, skilled, cheater.
Dog – loyal, friendly, brave, protector, modest, submissive, guard.
Mouse – hard-working, reliable, modest, shy, simple.
Rabbit – modest, cunning, quick, nervous, quiet.
Raccoon – agile, responsible, skeptical, intelligent, ‘night bird’.
Elephant – confident, calm, protective, persistent, stubborn.
Leo – strong, patient, protector, confident, calm, values family.
Fox – agile, has good taste, thinker, organized, cunning.
Rooster – talented, creative, eccentric, playful, artistic type.
Pig – generous, sincere, confident, honest, talented, innocent, friendly.
Cow – social, adventurous, curious, kind, calm, protective, quiet.
Zebra – loyal, intelligent, committed, idealistic, persistent, free, egoistic.
Tiger – powerful, elegant, authoritative, active, mysterious, unpredictable, lonely.
Deer – gentle, sensitive, agile, simple, values family.
Sheep – hesitant, friendly, obedient, conservative, hard-working, quiet.
Panda – a gentle, caring, playful, self-sufficient, a dreamer.
Penguin – mild, open, enigmatic, skilled, simple.
Owl – intuitive, mystical, free, careful, peaceful, spiritual.
Giraffe – confident, elegant, shy, charming, boastful.
Hedgehog – sarcastic, cunning, sensitive, opportunists, activists, individual.
Fish – quiet, friendly, reliable, honest, organized, serious, good friend.
Turtle – protector, patient, narrow-minded, stubborn, quiet, monotonous.
Duck – loud, guard, hard-working, playful, values family.
Horse – noble, loyal, strong, powerful, free-spirited, energetic, submissive.
Bird – cheerful, filled with inner beauty, positive, free-spirited, simple.
The third animal reflects how you see yourself.
The second animal describes how other people see you.
The first animal shows what you are actually like.