Seeking to the stars for the man might be able to inform us of what we have in store for all of us as our relationship moves along – so that we can be better prepared for when he shows us what, exactly, makes him a bad boyfriend rather than Prince Charming.
1 ) GEMINI: Never Makes The First Move
If you’ve ever dated a Gemini, you understand that you were the main one who had to prod the relationship along. For all their discuss communication, this sign prefers to let their SO just take the lead, meaning he’s never been the first one to say “I love you, ” never initiated the idea of living together, and even asking us out on a first date felt more like our decision than his! It’s not he doesn’t care about us necessarily, it’s that he’s often distracted and doesn’t really put enough thought into the fact that maybe making the first move would take a number of the pressure off us for once.
2. TAURUS: Sees Things In Black And White
A set sign in astrology, the Taurus man is more than a little stubborn. Make that a lot stubborn. This sign operates on a “my way or the highway” mentality and it’s almost impossible to improve his mind. As a result of this stubborn nature, engaging in an argument with our Taurus BF can feel just like an exercise in futility. For this guy, there is absolutely no grey area, every thing is in monochrome. To him, there’s right and there’s wrong and there’s no in-between, that is difficult to deal with because, hello, we’re all human here. People and situations are flexible and complicated, but he can’t understand that.
3. CANCER: Swingin’ Through His Moods
The mood swings of the Cancer man are legendary, and not in a good way. This Water sign has always been connected with moodiness, and it is easily one of his worst qualities. If he’s maybe not getting defensive within an argument or confrontation, the Cancer guy will simply shut us out. In fact , sometimes we won’t even understand what we’ve done when we’re being given the silent treatment or when he ghosts us altogether! This sign is a fickle one and it can be exhausting to keep up with all the drama he’s got going on in their own head.
4. LEO: Totally Selfish
If their ego didn’t already give you a hint, the Leo man can also be extremely selfish. While this sign is occasionally lauded for their generosity, it’s only because they give as good as they get, which means that they have to get yourself a LOT. He wants everything done to his specifications and he wants to function as shining star in the relationship. This is the sort of dude who will are expecting a massive party for his birthday and pout if it doesn’t meet his expectations, but gives us some lame gift card when our turn rolls around, because that he feels denied. He is able to be a bit of an immature sign who never moved past his “me phase. ”
5. VIRGO: Sharing Is Not Caring
Not usually the one considered to be a selfish sign in astrology, the Virgo man absolutely prefers to have things a certain way. This fussy sign doesn’t like when things are out of place, which is why they rarely opt to share anything with the others. It may seem like a little bit of bad playground manners, and we might not notice it at first, however when our Virgo BF refuses to lend us a sweater when we’re chilly or take a sip from his glass when we’re thirsty, his inability to share is named into sharp focus. Simply put, he cares more about his comfort and happiness than he does ours.
6. LIBRA: Expects The World, Doesn’t Return The Favor
Libra men are social butterflies, this means they love to entertain and be entertained. Keeping things exciting and beautiful is important to him, which is why that he comes to expect a whole lot out of his relationships. However , as it pertains time for the favor to be came back, he tends to fall flat. For his friends and family, he manages to pull out all of the stops, because that he loves to be the ultimate host. For his SO , however , that he tends to take things for granted and may forget about it, or cobble together a fairly lackluster event.
7. SCORPIO: Seeing Green
The Scorpio man is an intense creature, and has a raw magnetism that draws many people to him. Because of this, he worries about the faithfulness of his SO , since he himself has already established many opportunities to stray. Jealousy runs through the veins of this Water sign, and it can poison his relationships from the inside. He’ll be so certain that his SO is stepping out on him despite not having any proof, because this sign always looks at the seedy underbelly of things. Trust and love are susceptible qualities, and the Scorpio guy gets jealous preemptively as a defensive measure.
8. SAGITTARIUS: Much too Chill
The Sagittarius man isn’t the normal relationship guy. In case a partnership happens, it happens, but that he certainly has no fascination with steering it for the reason that direction. This guy wants to be free and wander as that he wishes. He’s pretty laid-back, which can make him a bad boyfriend to someone who requires a little more structure. Do we even know if we’re exclusive with this particular guy? There’s no chance to know, because that he won’t tell us! The Sagittarius man prefers to let things float along without making much of an attempt, which can feel like that he doesn’t care if this relationship happens at all.
9. CAPRICORN: Frustratingly Frugal
These guys may benefit from the finer things in life, but only when they come with an entire life guarantee and won’t fall out of style. Never one to be trendy or splash their cash on frivolous things, the Capricorn man could be frustratingly frugal in a relationship. Wining and dining a female isn’t out of the question, but it’s an extremely rare occurrence, and his gifts tend to be more practical and economical than lavish. If you’re a woman whose love language is gift-giving, the frugality and downright stinginess of the Earth sign could be a major deal-breaker. In the end, when was the last time that he treated you to anything?
10. AQUARIUS: Likes To Keep Split up Lives
A tiny nomad, the Aquarius man is used to living life by himself terms, all by himself. In fact , he will prefer it in this manner because then he doesn’t feel like he’s letting anyone down and will do what that he pleases. When that he does find himself in a relationship, however , he still tries to keep himself separate. What which means is this guy has zero interest in meeting our family or friends, coming to our work functions, or even attending events or parties together. By doing this, that he figures when we inevitably break up things can simply revert back to normal!
11. PISCES: Moons Over Exes
Along with his romantic disposition and attraction to days gone by, the Pisces guy is the dude who won’t shut up about his exes. Even if the relationship was toxic, he still moons over the women of years past – no matter just how much it bothers us! It’s not he compares us in their mind, but more he enjoys the nostalgia that comes with recalling a past fling or connection. He sees them all through rose-colored glasses and pays no mind to the fact that it makes us uncomfortable. To him, they’re all just area of the important saga that’s his love life.
12. ARIES: Too Overprotective
Occasionally volatile, the Aries man can be a great boyfriend when it comes to how much that he cares about us. He’s a Fire sign, which means he’s strong-willed and assertive. However , this can sporadically become overprotectiveness, which can be not always a good thing. The Aries man might think he’s operating in our best interests, however in actuality, he’s learning to be a little controlling. His quick temper could cause him to veer into jealous territory and, while he might think he’s saving us from the horrors of the planet, he’s actually doing more harm than good. His heart is in the proper place, but this habit doesn’t make him a great boyfriend.